Welcome to Corporate Governance Paper Competition and Presentation Awards 2025





About the event

The Corporate Governance Paper Competition and Presentation Awards (Competition) organised by the Institute started in 2007. This Competition aims to promote the importance of good governance among local undergraduates and provide them with an opportunity to research, write and present their findings and opinions on the selected theme.

Current undergraduates of all disciplines in Hong Kong can enrol this Competition in a team of two to four members. Each enrolled team is required to submit a paper on the theme of not more than 5,000 words in English.

These papers are subject to a two-tier review: first by a designated group of reviewers to select six finalist teams; and then by the three-member panel judges to determine the Best Paper Award and the first and second runners-up of the Paper Competition.

The six finalist teams will present their papers to compete for the Best Presentation Award and Audience’s Favourite Team Award.

For the previous Competitions, please visit HERE.

For enquiries, please contact the Qualifications and Assessments Section: 2830 6039 or email: student@hkcgi.org.hk.

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About the theme

This year’s theme is ‘Is Governance a Driver for Growth?’.

The global landscape is undergoing significant changes, influenced by the emergence of geopolitical dynamics and economic difficulties, such as fundraising issues, that affect businesses. In this climate of uncertainty, should companies focus solely on immediate survival, is there a role in governance as a driver for growth over the longer term?


Key Dates

Enrolment deadline:Tuesday 6 May 2025
Paper submission deadline:Wednesday 18 June 2025
Presentation Competition: 
(for the six finalist teams)
Saturday 6 September 2025